
Connect To Therapy offers speech/language, occupational, and physical therapy services to children between the ages of 2 to 21.
Speech-Language Pathologists treat a variety of areas that are important to a child’s communication development. We tailor our services to maximize each child’s strengths while also helping them better manage their communication challeneges.
A speech and language screening consists of a 20-minute assessment of your child’s:
- Play
- Social Interactions
- Speech (how they pronounce sounds)
- Language (following directions, answering questions, processing information, naming vocabulary etc.)
- Reading and writing abilities (if apprpriate for your child’s age)
This allows the therapist to get an initial impression of your child’s abilities and to make further recommendations for a full evaluation and for frequency and duration of therapy services, if needed.
We specialize in building language through play. Skilled speech-language therapy can help infants and toddlers engage with the world around them by understanding and using:
- Visuals
- Play sounds
- New words
- Gestures and sign language
Speech therapy incorporates fun, child-led activities to keep your child interested and engaged. We help children effectively communicate by addressing speech sound production for challenging sounds and sound combinations. We will target common words that apply to their everyday life. Our evidence-based approaches improve:
- Fluency (stuttering)
- Overall speech clarity
- Accuracy of sound production
- Rate and rythm of speech
- Muscle coordination and strength for speech
Feeding therapy focuses on motor planning for chewing, sucking and/or swallowing, sensory processing, and picky eating. We understand the importance of providing the skills that your child needs to eat safely, sustain adequate nutrition, and enjoy mealtimes. Our approach focuses on targeting the following:
- Oral feeding in infants
- Picky eating and food refusal
- Oral motor skills (chewing, swallowing, lip closure)
- Sensory processing for food intolerance
A speech-language evaluation is the measurement of communication skills to determine if a delay or disorder is present. We use information from parents/caregivers, observation, and formal and informal assessment tools. Materials involved are child-friendly and much of our assessment is play-based. At the end of the process, families receive a report detailing the findings and, if needed, a plan of care that outlines goals for therapy
We help caregivers learn and practice the techniques that we use within our sessions. This allows families to confidently support their child’s speech and language development at home, in-between therapy sessions! Parent coaching focuses on:
- Building language through play
- Using communication strategies in daily routines
Language therapy can improve a child’s comprehension, expression, and overall academic success in school.We help children develop and practice language skills in a variety of play-based and focused activities. Sessions build essential skills such as:
- Telling stories
- Following directions
- Answering questions
- Increasing vocabulary
- Combing words into complete sentences
- Overall ability to express wants and needs
Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) is a motor speech disorder in which the child has difficulties connecting sounds and syllables into longer words as well as a presence of disturbance with rate and intonation.
Immediate treatment is highly recommended for a child with moderate to severe CAS since it can take some time to improve those skills. Depending on the severity, sessions will target the following:
- Motor planning
- Speech intelligibility
- Prosody (intonation, rate rythm)
Occupational Therapy helps children improve their independent function in the everyday activities that are meaningful to them. These activities are known as “occupations”, for a child, their ‘occupation’ is play. It is through the use of play that our occupational therapists assist children in learning the skills necessary for successful living, such as feeding, bathing, and dressing through the development of fine hand and dexterity skills.
Feeding Bilateral Coordination is the ability to use both sides of the body at the same time in a controlled and organized manner. Coordinating both sides of the body is an indication that both sides of the brain are communicating and sharing information with each other.
Gross Motor Skills are those which require whole body movement. They involve the large mucsles of the body and are used to perform everyday functions, such as standing, walking, running, jumping, and sitting upright at a table.
Activities of Daily Living, or ADLs, is a term used by occupational therapists to refer to the basic self-care tasks an individual does on a day-to-day basis.
These activities are fundamental in caring for oneself and maintaining independence. Self-care includes activities that complete one’s daily routine such as dressing, self-feeding, grooming, and hygiene, as well as functional mobility at home and in the community.
Fine Motor Skills involve the use of the small muscles of the hands, the ones we use when doing up buttons, opening lunch boxes, or using pencils and scissors. Fine motor efficiency significantly influences the quality of the task outcome as well as the speed of task performance.
Sensory Processing is the effective registration of sensory input in the environment. It is the way the brain receives, organizes, and responds to sensory input in order to behave in a meaningful and consistent manner.
Visual-Motor Skills enable an individual to process information around them. The ability to observe, recognize, and use visual information about forms, shapes, figures, and objects makes up our visual-motor abilities.
Our physical therapists provide individualized care to enhance development and enable participation in age appropriate activities. Each session is designed to promote independence, increase participation, and facilitate motor development. Therapy is given in a play based environment to help children increase strength, balance, coordination, and reach their full gross motor potential!
Physical therapy can benefit your child if they are experiencing or, have experienced, the following: